Refund & Cancellation Policy

  • As of now we do not provide any option for cancellation of products/ services which the users have purchased or subscribed to. Once a product/service has been purchased by the user, we cannot provide any refund, either totally or partially. 
  • We suggest that first you go through the demos and/or free to use contents/products/services before you subscribe to or purchase from
  • If the study material provided to the student is lost/misplaced once delivered at his/her correspondence address, a duplicate book can be obtained against the payment of Rs300/- per book (including GST), through DD / Cheque /Online / Card.
  • If the dispatch is returned to us due to change of address/door locked / non-availability of the addressee, the courier/postage charges of Rs 500/- will be charged for sending the dispatch again. If the said amount is not paid by the student then the rest of the dispatches will be held.
  • If any student fails to receive the study material within 15 days from the date of dispatch, kindly inform the DLP Division at 8800-22-6864 or by writing an email at
  • It is for the student to see whether he/she is eligible for a certain Entrance Exams or not. Pahal DLP does not hold any responsibility if a student’s admission form is rejected by the examination controller body (main entrance examination) or the student does not clear/qualify the respective examination he/she may be preparing for . Such a student cannot claim a refund of the whole or any part of the fee he/she has paid to Pahal DLP.